Portfolio: Institutional Science Communication
For the KLI Research Institute
Interviews with KLI fellows
The obstetrical dilemma: taking a closer look with Nicole Grunstra
Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences: an interview with the editors
What does diversity mean to you in your work and how do you approach it?
When evolutionary theory meets social-ecological systems: An interview with Tim Waring
Is knowledge just another buzzword in the sustainability sciences?
Telling stories to make a difference: Anna Sundermann on Nachhaltigkeit Erzählen
Selected Research Announcements
How can institutional differences across regions promote cross-border innovation spaces?
Ethnobiological studies should not assume cultural consensus of knowledge
Mendel turns 200! New grant on Mendel's legacy in science and society
Cancer and the environment: a critical review by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti
COVID-19 heralds a new epistemology of science for the public good
Announcing Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide
Diversity lost: COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment
The philosophical impact of cybernetics on Waddington’s processual epigenetics
Wolves might be able to recognize themselves through an “olfactory mirror”
Selected News and Announcements
For the EES research Group
under the School of Biology, University of St. Andrews
under the School of Biology, University of St. Andrews
EES Final Report (2021)
A self-initiated project for the "Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test" research grant as their media and science communication officer.
Intended audience: collaborators under the EES and interested scholars
How was it done? In collaboration with Kevin Laland (St. Andrews), with feedback and suggestions from other EES scholars
Created with Affinity Publisher
Publication date: Jan 2021
Contract type: consultant